Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's been cold. I hate cold. And yeh, when I was nine years old building igloos and chasing snow flakes with my tongue cold was the coolest thing popping. But now that I'm over... 30... lived at least 9 good years [non-consecutively] under the perputual sun of California, cold can kiss my [as my mother sometimes would spell out] A DOUBLE S. Don't get wrong: I appreciate the seasons with the layered styles and warm ciders and that grateful anticipation for spring when all is green and new. But I'm not sure I'm equipped for the cold anymore, and waiting around for spring to break out in its green, well... that's too much waiting.

I'm being sarcastic of course. I do love the winter. I just hate the cold that comes with it.

So last weekend, in attempt to experience some warmth [albeit cultural] I attended a performance of IN THE HEIGHTS. A new musical at 37 Arts that did everything but had me breaking out in my swim trunks. [Yes, it was a bit warm in the theater, too]. But what I mean is this: What a great story. What great music. What a great slice of comtemporary uptown Manhattan Latino culture. And at the helm of such a warm and thrilling evening was Lin-Manuel Miranda. He's actor, songwriter and concept originator. What a talent! It was a thrill to experience and I certainly was warmed up a bit from the cold. In the Heights!

Until next time,



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