Saturday, February 18, 2006

Good news! My play FAREWELL MISS COTTON opened last night and it went very well. Yes, there were a few bumps, but hey, that's life. Plus, it was only the second performance in front of the audience. My good friend and actress extraordinaire Patrice Johnson was there lending her support, and my always-supporting agent Steve Simons. Thanks Patrice. Thanks Steve.

If you're in L.A., come check it out at the Black Dahlia Theater on Pico Blvd.

Well, I'm off and running. I have a few friends visiting me from San Diego today and a brother needs to scrub his bathroom.
And kitchen. And bedroom. And I need to hit Trader Joe's and buy some free range chicken. One of my friends spent several years living in Jamaica and can cook the hell out of some "rice and pea" and jerk chicken.

Until next time,



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